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  9. 5 Best Bird of Paradise Plant to Take Care at Home

5 Best Bird of Paradise Plant to Take Care at Home

5 Best Bird of Paradise Plant to Take Care at Home

All About Bird of Paradise Plant

The Bird of Paradise Plant, sometimes known as the “queen of home plants,” is made up of 2 separate vegetation types with the same name: Strelitzia and Caesalpinia. Plants from the Strelitzia genus are mainly known as florist flowers. Bird of Paradise is a herbaceous perennial that thrives in tropical climates around the globe. It’s a one-of-a-kind bird-shaped flower with brilliant colors. In particular, they have such an unusual appearance which they appear to somehow be tough to maintain. Bird of Paradise may give your property a sophisticated look.

5 Best Bird of Paradise Plant to Take Care at Home

These are the simple care guides for a thriving Bird of Paradise Plant for healthier foliage and robust growth. The varieties of bird of paradise will help you to be more aware and to avoid frustration.

1. Orange Bird of Paradise

The clumping orange bird of paradise has broad, colored leaflets on beautiful, tall stalks. Let the moisture evaporate out between waterings, hydrate per one – two weeks. The orange bird of paradise needs at least 4 to 6 hrs of direct sunlight to thrive. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light. Because this plant is a fast – growing plant, starts fertilizing a month after growing. For three weeks, use biofertilizer each week. After a week’s break, fertilize again for three weeks. Once consistent blooming begins, let the plant go extra dry between watering and it will flower more.

2. White Bird of Paradise

Lack of sufficient exposure, White Bird of Paradise may struggle to thrive and shed foliage. To enhance the potential development, position it much less than three feet from a south-facing window. While not in full light and planted in a 5.0″ planter, White Bird of Paradise requires 0.8 cup of water every 9 days. Most potting soils come with ample nutrients which plants use to produce new growth. Repot your plant once it multiplies in growth or once a year to replace the nourishment.

3. Dwarf Orange Bird of Paradise

This potted plant will thrive from either full or shaded sun, although this will typically demand a brighter setting than what artificial indoor lighting alone can supply. It prefers to grow in average to moist soil. The surface of the soil shouldn’t be allowed to dry out completely, and so you should expect to water this plant once and possibly even twice each week. Keep in mind that your hydration routine may change based on its position in the space, the size of the pot, the growth of the plant, and other factors.

4. White Flowered Banana Plant

It is indeed one of the few types with leaves that closely resembles that of a banana plant. Its foliage has a ‘leather’ touch to it, with green to gray hues. Allow the plant to dry out some between watering. Misting their foliage can help keep them hydrated and happy. Furthermore, an indoor white banana plant’s foliage must be cleaned out with a wet cloth or sponge every now and again to remove any dirt particles that has gathered.

5. Broad Leaf Bird of Paradise

Whenever the Broad Leaf Bird of Paradise Plant is not in full sunlight and is grown in a 5.0″ planter, it requires 0.8 cup of water every 12 days. To enhance the room for improvement, position it much less than 1 foot from a south-facing window; it’s doesn’t withstand natural lighting.


With its brilliant brightness and warm vibe, the Bird of Paradise has a unique blossom that really can make you feel pleased. The large green leaves are good for air circulation and purification due to their size. Now that you can tell the five types apart, you can choose the best varieties to plant in your home.

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