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  9. 5 Easy Ways To Care Croton Plants At Home

5 Easy Ways To Care Croton Plants At Home

5 Easy Ways To Care Croton Plants At Home

What is a Croton plant?

Sounds like it’s from a different planet, Mars? No, definitely it’s a native plant that is mostly found in tropical forests from Asia and Oceana. Its term comes from the Greek word “Croton,” which signifies “tick,” since the appearance of its seeds resembles that of a tick. Crotons have many different vegetation forms and hues. The brighter the croton plant, hence more sunlight it requires!

NOTE: All parts of the Croton Plants can be poisonous when ingested. If you have pets or children, it will be better to place it in areas not easily accessible. We don’t want to take a chance, right?

5 Ways To Care For Your Croton Plant

1. Light

Croton plants love the Sun! Without the light, the color of the plants may fade. So better place it in a location that receives significant exposure of sunlight. It is also imperative to not move the plants from time to time. They can go into shock and might cause leaves to fall.

2. Soil

Croton Plants soil needs to be moist with adequate drainings. It likes mild acidity and can tolerate soil PH between 4.5-6.5. It is advisable to have a well-draining potting mix. If it retains too much water, it may cause the roots to rot.

3. Water

Croton Plants, just like every other potted plant, require regular hydration. Keep the soil moist but let it dry between waterings especially when it is in a container, you can check when the top of the soil is dry to touch.

4. Temperature and Humidity

Since Croton Plants are tropical plants, they prefer warm conditions and it benefits from high humidity. Keep the plant around 75℉ and if temperature drops below 55℉, this may cause browning of the color.
If your house is in low humidity, keep a wet gravel or pebble tray near the plant. It is also a dust magnet. You can use wet wipes or sponge on the leaves to remove dust and pest residue.

5. Fertilizer

Croton Plants are susceptible to pest and pathogen problems so it needs a fertile and rich soil that promotes vivid colors in duration of the growing stage. It should be fertilized every other month. Use a balanced liquid fertilizer rather than a slow-release fertilizer. It is also not advisable to fertilize the plant during the winter season.


Croton Plants are a great succulent plant with strong, vibrant leaves that you won’t be able to overlook. With these 5-easy care tips you will not ask yourself, “How did you fail in taking care of these Croton Plants?”.

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